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Fruity Loops Product Review
(FL Studio)

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Image Line FL Studio 7 Producer Edition Virtual Studio
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Fruity Loops (FL Studio) Product Review

Fruity Loops has been a long time fave of CleverJoe's. This superb software has evolved over the last few years from a 'cool and quirky' drum machine and electronica pattern generator into a monolithic musician's tool. Fruity Loops is very easy to use so you won't get bogged down in the software. Allowing creativity to flow freely is something that Fruity Loops has always been good at.

Fruity Loops can be used on its own as a complete package, or in combination with a digital recording program like Cakewalk, Cubase, etc. Complex songs and sweet drum loops can be created with a few clicks, and the resulting song or loop can be exported to a WAV or MP3 file, and MIDI can be exported to a standard MIDI file.

Click here for CleverJoe's review of the Fruity Loops companion book!

Although FL can be used as a complete, stand-alone package, it's also easy to use with other music software including Cakewalk, Cubase, etc. CleverJoe uses Fruity Loops to create the drum track beds for songs he's working on, then exports the tracks as WAV files. The WAV files are then imported into Cakewalk Pro Audio, which is his main digital recorder. Apparently FP can also be synched to external sequencers but it's very easy to simply export the file as a WAV or mp3 and then import it into another program if you want to.

There are a wide range of pro quality effects at your disposal including reverb, phaser, flanger etc. Complex mixing chains can be created with ease. It's loads of fun to just screw around and try different combinations of effects. You can get pretty freaky, which of course is one of the joys of Fruity Loops. CleverJoe likes to get freaky. For years, Fruity Loops has long been known and loved as a 'secret gem' within the electronica musician community. Today FP has become much more widely known, and the improved features of this version are truly a dream. The most complete virtual studio currently available, you will be creating wav, mp3 or midi songs or loops only minutes after launching it.

For the record, although another user mentioned that he had trouble registering his product for the lifetime upgrade, CleverJoe didn't have any trouble at all and has never heard of anyone else having trouble either. Joe found customer service to be second to none, and the legions of musicians who swear by Fruity Loops can't be wrong.

This software should definitely be included in your arsenal of music software. CleverJoe gives it three big thumbs up! MIDI files.

Fruity Loops (FL Studio) features include:

  • Internal 32 bit floating point mixing, up to 96kHz stereo.
  • Supports DirectSound and ASIO enabled sound cards for audio output.
  • Realtime linear interpolation & sophisticated interpolation algorithms at rendering time.
  • Open architecture allowing third-party instruments (enhanced proprietary FL instruments standard, VSTi and DXi2) and effects (enhanced proprietary FL effects standard, VST, VST2 and DirectX).
  • A full set of high-precision mastering and special effects filters: reverb, compressor, procedural equalizer, distortion, phaser, flanger, bass boost, delay line and other.
  • Advanced sequencing methods allowing quick entering of realistic drum loops (step sequencing grid) and composing complex instrumentals (advanced piano roll, arpeggiator, keyboard tracking, real-time gate).
  • Unique note properties morphing ability (pitch, cutoff, resonance, panning).
  • Advanced mixer: 68 mixer tracks (64 insert and 4 send tracks) supporting up to 8 filters each; mixer tracks rerouting for creating of complex mixer chains; track recording with ASIO input support (for recording MIDI, vocals etc.); integrated procedural equalizer, volume and panning for each mixer track.
  • Integrated instruments: Sampler, TS404 (the popular bassline engine), 3xOSC (subsynth), Plucked! (plucked strings), MIDI Out, DX10 (FM synth), Scratcher (turntable emulator), WaveTraveller (wave bend synth), Wasp (demo), SimSynth Live (demo), and more.
  • Live recording of control movements & integrated automation events editor.
  • Easy MIDI remote controlling of most parameters (VST plugins supported as well).
  • Procedural control over parameters by using special controller plugins.
  • Click removal & volume ramping to avoid pops.
  • Imports *.WAV, *.SYN (SimSynth 1 & 2), *.DS (DrumSynth) files, with effects applied.
  • Imports MIDI sequences and controller events.
  • Exports audio to 16Bit or 32Bit *.WAV file, *.MP3.
  • Can export MIDI notes & controller events to a standard MIDI file.

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Fruity Loops FL Studio digital audio recording music software. Product review, music download.