MIDI For The Professional is the standard textbook for college-level courses in MIDI in the US and abroad. Received rave reviews Keyboard, the Electronic Music Foundation, the IMA Newsletter, Piano & Keyboard magazine, and many others. This book is perfect for the serious MIDI user, including performers, composers, programmers, multimedia authors, equipment designers. There is simply no better source of M.I.D.I. information.
The authors of this great MIDI resource book are Paul Lehrman and Tim Tully, editor of Mix Magazine and former editor of Electronic Musician.
The MIDI Companion is a very comprehensive resource book, and can get you up
and running in short order. Contains the bare essentials to familiarize yourself with MIDI and what the heck you can do
with it. Explains the initial steps to set up a working compilation of MIDI products and concepts such as sequencers,
samplers, MIDI-IN/OUT/THRU and more. A great book by Jeffrey Rona, who also writes regular articles for
Keyboard magazine.
Understanding MIDI is essential to the best use of modern musical equipment. Paul White covers the basics of MIDI and MIDI equipment and provides a great introduction to the basics of MIDI.
This book is a very practical text which is suited to both absolute beginners and those who have done some basic midi work. Valuable Midi information reference book you'll come back to appreciate again and again. Comes with software.
Without any prior technical knowledge, you'll be able to make music using
your computer. The book covers everything from what is digital music through the link between computers and music (and
how to make it), the world of MIDI (the Musical Instrument Digital Interface), and using the internet for further
This extensively illustrated book will make an ideal reference for students of music technology, audio engineering and acoustics, as well as for enthusiasts, musicians, engineers and multimedia specialists. CleverJoe gives it three thumbs up!
This an excellent book for beginners who want to learn how to use their computer to make music.
TASCAM Porta 02 MKII Portastudio Blue Totally portable and great for practice and for recording your musical creations. Features a 4-track cassette recorder with 2-track simultaneous recording capability.
Internet Special