Periodically someone will come out with some contraption that promises stronger fingers, better speed, greater endurance etc., however few of them give you no more help than squeezing a tennis ball would. Not so with the "Gripmaster Hand and Finger Exerciser!" This product has been available for a good number of years - proof in my mind as to its effectiveness.
The Gripmaster is a hand-held device, consisting of four spring-loaded pads (one for each finger of course) allowing each finger to move and exercise independently. The bottom of the unit fits comfortably in the palm of your hand thanks to a rubber "ergonomic palm bar" which helps you keep a good grip. This bottom section has three springs as well which adds to the overall "workout" you receive from flexing between your palm and fingers.
Included with the Gripmaster is a set of exercises with full instructions and diagrams in six languages no less! The Gripmaster comes in three tensions and colours; medium tension (red), light tension (blue) and extra light tension (yellow) and is currently available through D’Addario / Planet Waves.
I've been using the Gripmaster for several years myself and have found it really keeps my fingers strong and flexible. There’s really no substitution for practicing on your instrument, but if there’s no guitar around using one of these babies will certainly keep your fingers from seizing up! As a guitar teacher I’ve often recommended it to my students - especially for help with the dreaded "bar chords." Give it a try - stronger faster fingers can soon be yours!
CleverJoe Tip: Another popular finger exerciser for guitar players is the Varigrip, from Planet Waves:

Planet Waves Varigrip Hand Exerciser Standard
Develop and maintain the strength and dexterity of your fingers and hands. Built-in, simulated guitar strings for building finger calluses.
Greigg Fraser is a
guitarist/songwriter from London Canada. Visit his web site and check out his music and very cool instrumental rock CD's.
Click here for more of Greigg's columns.
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