Musician Newsletter May 2004
... not JUST for Canadian musicians.
CleverJoe recently saw a documentary on CBC about music
and religion. He thought it should have been rated 'R'
because of the sects and violins.
See what's new at CleverJoe's: Click here
1.)... Music Copyright Laws: How to use cover song versions legally
2.)... GuitarTalk: Guitar fingerboard cleaning tips
3.)... Cubase SX music recording production software
4.)... eMedia Guitar Method: An easier way to learn guitar
5.)... - Let fans rate your band
6.)... CleverJoe's top pick - JPM's Drum & Bass Society CD
7.)... Payment due notice
1.)... Music Copyright Laws: How to use cover song versions legally
By Dale Turner
The Cover Song Quagmire:
Three ways to obtain mechanical licenses for legally recording,
distributing cover versions on CD.
For many musicians, a considerable amount of time is spent
learning other people's songs - for gigs, weddings, or for fun.
Why not immortalize your efforts by recording some of those
magical numbers and putting them on a CD? At the very least,
one of those "classic" tracks might be the perfect way to punctuate
your next disc!
This great article written by Dale Turner explains how to
legally release your own version of another artist's song.
Click here to read the full article
2.)... GuitarTalk: Guitar fingerboard cleaning tips
By Greigg Fraser
One of the most common things Greigg sees as a guitar
repairman is dirty, disgusting fingerboards caked with grime
and salt ("hand cheese" as they call it in the trade) and God knows
whatever else. Always a great source for guitar information and tips
of the trade, Greigg offers some helpful tips on how to remove this
unsightly gunk from your precious.
Click here to read the full article
3.)... Cubase SX music recording production software
Cubase SX is a seriously clever music recording and
production system. Yes, Steinberg's Cubase has evolved.
There are now two new flavours of the software to choose
from, Cubase SX and it's smaller brother, Cubase SL.
Found in home and professional recording studios across
the world, Cubase is a complete recording software solution.
Producers, remixers and songwriters can compose and
arrange their music, incorporate samples and loops and
give their music the finishing touch with integrated effects.
Click to read the full article
4.)... eMedia Guitar Method: An easier way to learn guitar
eMedia Editorial Review
This best-seller makes learning fun regardless of the type of
guitar you own. 155 comprehensive lessons cover basics to
chord strumming, playing melodies, fingerpicking and more.
The over 70 songs include hits from artists such as Bob Dylan
and Steve Miller. With over 30 videos from instructor
Kevin Garry, Ph.D., the title offers a better alternative to
expensive lessons and hard-to-follow books.
Click to read the full article
5.)... - Let fans rate your band link
============================== is still the spot for indie bands and musicians
to submit their web site to the ever growing directory. Once
you're site has been added, fans can 'rate' your band's link.
For more indie fun and excitement than you can shake a stick at:
Click here for
6.)... CleverJoe's indie band top picks
Drum & Bass Society - Joseph Patrick Moore
Although CleverJoe generally tries to select artists
from the abundant good music within the thriving
Canadian indie music scene, once in awhile a CD
comes across his desk that really kicks his ass
(which is somewhat strange because CleverJoe,
one dimensional as he is, has no ass, nor for that
matter a desk).
A few weeks ago, Joe was rolling along the 401,
whistling a tune vaguely inspired by a song Bob Dylan
once borrowed. The CD arrived a couple weeks earlier and
busy as he is, Clever had not read the accompanying
press release. So with no preconceptions, he reached
over and popped in Joseph Patrick's Moore's
Drum & Bass Society CD, pressed play and rolled
the window down a crack.
There's no looking back baby.
Mmmm... sweet, jazzy and intelligent, this is a great CD
that goes on evolving each time it's listened to. A mostly
instrumental CD, featuring a healthy dose of uniquely
arranged cover tunes backed by a solid live band with
funkadelic bass, percussion, horns, woodwinds and strings.
With a peppering of electronica and soundscapes,
Drum & Bass Society wanders through some unique
covers of tunes by Phish, Tony Williams, Men at Work,
The Specials and the Fixx. A few songs do feature a vocalist,
most notably Temple Passmore on the opening track
'Down Under'.
Arranged by Joseph Patrick Moore, a 34 year old bassist
from Knoxville, TN, Moore's influences include
Herbie Hancock, John Coltrane, The Police and
Charlie Parker. Traces of all can be heard throughout the
extended jams and instrument solos on the hour long CD.
The music definitely grows on you in a laid back sort of
way . CleverJoe recommends you do yourself a favour
and high tail it to JPM's web site and have a taste of some
Drum & Bass Society yourself. Your day will be better for it.
CleverJoe Tip: This is road trip music at it's best.
7.)... Payment Due
The newsletter and web site are not free!
Joe humbly asks the following from you:
1) Forward this newsletter to at least two musician friends, and
2) If you haven't yet, have a quick boo at the
home page to see what's new:
----------------------------------- - Not JUST for Canadian Musicians
To advertise on or to submit products for review:
Check out CleverJoe's Canadian retail
music stores list for more musical instrument and gear stores in Canada.